Friday, September 27, 2019

What Makes a Bilingual Education Program Successful Research Paper

What Makes a Bilingual Education Program Successful - Research Paper Example Dr. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas is a linguist who has extensively researched linguistic human rights; bilingualism and multilingual education; linguistic imperialism and subtractive spread of English; support for endangered languages; the relationship between linguistic and cultural diversity and biodiversity and has authored numerous publications on her subject of interest (WISC, 2006). Among her highly acclaimed works is â€Å"Linguistic Genocide in Education or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights?.† According to Tacelosky’s (2000) review of this book, Skutnabb-Kangas presents the state of languages of the world in terms of extinction and endangerment. The linguist also avers that although the threat to biodiversity is great, the threat to language diversity is far greater. Skutnabb-Kangas goes on to define the term mother tongue with criteria such as origin, identification, competence, function and the degree of human rights awareness. The author defines linguistic genocid e as the policies that a state takes from attempting to kill a language to the adoption of an official language. She positions minority education in terms of society and politics, distribution of power in terms of dominant and dominated languages, race, sex, class and other factors. The author argues against claims that a language is necessary to form a nation and discusses the place of language in the power structure. Skutnabb-Kangas propounds that linguistic human rights are necessary rights which incorporate basic human rights.

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